
Permanent Recruitment

Build your best team using our expertise

We know that the success of agriculture in Australia comes down to the people. That’s why we offer specialist agricultural experience and advice.

Utilise our industry knowledge and extensive networks to find the right technical and cultural fit for your business needs. With over 30 years of experience in agricultural recruitment, you can be confident in our skills. Our experts provide meaningful insight, access to established and vast networks, and a platform for innovative solutions to agribusiness recruitment.

Partnering with us is a commitment to finding the perfect fit for your agribusiness.

Our Commitment to You

  • Assist in detemining your business needs, defining expectations and formalising a candidate profile.
  • Define your expectations and work efficiently to ensure your agribusiness continues on the right track.
  • Provide reports with in-depth commentary on suitable candidates’ strengths, weaknesses, experience, personal circumstances, and suitability.
  • Provide standardised documentation and interview processes. Ensuring consistency and objectivity in the selection decision.
  • Provide insight regarding industry standards, legal compliance, market competitors, remuneration structures and your agribusiness’s reputation.
  • Promote your business as an employer of choice, helping you define your culture and increase attraction.
  • Follow Australian Standard AS 4811:2006 as the basis of our screening process.
  • Offer and uphold our replacement guarantee for candidates through our permanent recruitment process.

Build your team with us

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