


Australian Parliament Bans Live Sheep Exports, Igniting Industry Outcry

In a landmark decision that has sent ripples across the agricultural sector, the Australian Parliament has stamped its approval on a legislative amendment poised to terminate the live sheep export trade by May 2028.

Amidst a tumultuous backdrop of political manoeuvring and agri-political lobbying, the Labor’s Export Control Amendment (Ending Live Sheep Exports by Sea) Bill 2024 has polarised opinions, drawing intense criticism from within the agricultural industry.

Political Promises vs. Agricultural Realities

Agriculture Minister Murray Watt heralded the legislation as a major stride towards “animal welfare in Australia,” fulfilling a key election commitment. However, this governmental standpoint starkly contrasts with the dismay echoed throughout the farming community.

David Jochinke, President of the National Farmers Federation (NFF), communicated the industry’s shock, emphasising the investments and advancements made towards achieving leading animal welfare standards.

“Farming communities have been sold out for political gain, and they’re gutted,” Jochinke stated.

“The Government vowed to kill off the jobs of farmers, shearers and truckies in WA. Credit to them, they’ve executed that job with ruthless efficiency.

“Whether it was fixing the outcome of the Independent Panel or the House Inquiry, or backflipping on senate scrutiny and guillotining debate – the Government pulled out every trick to silence those affected.”

Economic Fallout and Community Impact

The economic statistics underscore the gravity of the situation. The live sheep export sector, notably vital to Western Australia’s economy, was valued at $77 million in 2022-23. With Australian sheep meat exports anticipated to soar to $5.1 billion by 2024-25, the impending ban casts a long shadow over the future of countless farming enterprises and rural communities.

Western Australian Senator Slade Brockman and Independent Senator David Pocock raised concerns with the legislation.

Pocock, recognising the bill’s controversial nature, flagged the absence of a Senate inquiry as “disappointing.”

Brockman said the industry had done “every single thing” that government had asked of it to correct animal welfare concerns since thousands of Australian sheep died of heat stress aboard the Awassi Express in 2017.

However, he said that it has fallen victim to an “ideologically-driven crusade”.

“Every bit of science, every bit of evidence that we have shows that this industry is not only deserving of surviving but deserving of congratulations,” he said.

Several Coalition Senators reiterated a promise by Nationals leader, David Littleproud, to overturn the ban if the Coalition wins the forthcoming federal election.

Unpacking the Broader Implications

The ramifications of this legislative turn extend beyond immediate economic distress, signalling worrying precedents for the agricultural sector at large.

“We now have a dangerously unscientific precedent that will be celebrated tonight by groups who want to shut down Australian livestock production. This isn’t just about live sheep. This government has just told every farmer in Australia to sleep with one eye open,” warned Jochinke

The Fight for Support and Future Steps

While the government has unveiled a $107 million package for industry transition, scepticism remains about its adequacy to cushion the blow of this significant change. Rural communities, already preparing for tough decisions, lament the lack of immediate federal support on the ground.

As the dust settles on this legislative chapter, the Australian agricultural community stands at a crossroads. Confronted with the challenge of navigating the economic, social, and ethical complexities this ban introduces, the dialogue between farmers, politicians, and animal welfare advocates continues to evolve.

The passage of the live sheep export ban marks not just the end of an era, but the beginning of a significant period of transition and adaptation for Australia’s agricultural sector, highlighting the delicate balance between progressing animal welfare and sustaining the livelihoods of those within the farming community.

Sources: Farm Online, Senator the Hon Murray Watt – Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, National Farmers Federation

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