El Niño Not Declared, But Eastern States Looking Dry Nonetheless

Even as the Bureau of Meteorology holds off on declaring El Niño, we’re already seeing a winter season marked by record-breaking warm and dry conditions.
Australian Farmers Leverage Adaptation and Innovation Against Climate Change

ABARES reports show Australian farmers adapting and adjusting to help offset climate change effects.
July 1 Changes You Need to Know for Your Agribusiness

We’ve collected information for you on some of the July 1 changes you need to know to keep your agribusiness running smoothly.
US Approves First Lab-Grown Meat

The United States has recently approved the sale of lab-grown meat, making it the second nation to do so after Singapore.
Sheep Facial Recognition: A Game-Changer for the Australian Sheep Industry?

Could AI technology and facial recognition help streamline the Australian sheep industry? One company thinks so.
Highs and Lows of the 2023-24 Budget for Agriculture

The 2023-24 Budget has been released this week, leaving Australian agriculture with wins and losses.
Employers Will Be Required To Pay Superannuation On Payday

Another employment reform is on the horizon, with the government announcing a change requiring superannuation to be paid on payday.