


Forecast milk payouts on the rise

Relief for farmers as Fonterra Cooperative Group increases their forecast milk payout.

For the second time in four weeks, forecast milk payout values have risen. Increasing 50 NZ cents to NZ $5.25/kg of milk solids – could the milk payout end the 3-year global price rut?

Fonterra’s rise runs parallel to the rises seen at the Global Dairy Trade (GDT) auctions. Over the last two months, global dairy prices have increased. Since the 2nd of August, prices have risen 6.6%, 12.7%, 7.7% and most recently 1.7% after each respective GDT event.

Could the use of a plastic alternative increase forecast milk prices further?

This idea might not benefit the industry for the short term but it could have the potential to do so in the longer term.

Scientists at the USDA have uncovered a new way to wrap fresh foods using a milk protein, casein. This new food wrapper poses many benefits such as being edible, environmentally friendly and food safe. When compared to plastic the wrapper is superior in controlling oxygenation in food which assists in minimising food spoilage.

A secondary benefit of this technology is to act as a film on food items and packaging. An example of this is using the casein film on cereals to maintain their crunch, reducing the need for sugary coatings. This film could also be flavoured, contain added nutrients or even probiotics.

Check out the video below and see for yourself.

Source: The Australian, EaterĀ & Global Dairy TradeĀ 



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