
WHS Evaluations

(Workplace) Safety First

Our consultants can evaluate your workplace to see if you’re meeting your legal safety obligations. We can also create safe work statements, procedures, instructions, and policies to ensure the highest safety standards in your agricultural enterprise.

A Workplace Health and Safety review can provide a roadmap to guide you toward compliance and best practice. We will support you in building and maintaining strategies to ensure you meet your legal obligations to comply with current Work Health and Safety legislation.

Our Commitment to You

  • Visit your agribusiness to conduct an audit and risk assessment of plant and equipment
  • Provide a detailed audit and risk assessment report with findings and recommendations to meet current WHS compliance
  • Implement a complete WHS management program for your team, including training (either on or off-site)
  • Develop an online induction for existing and new staff members, contractors and visitors.
  • Compile a complete online WHS Manual for you
  • Create WHS Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
  • Train staff on WHS management systems, induction, SOPs and WHS manual

Keep your team safe at work

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