Murray Darling Basin Failing on Cornerstone Environmental Target

Damning report reveals just a fraction of the proposed water has been returned to the Murray Darling Basin.
What We Learned at WOTL’s Thriving Women 2022

In the first days of August 2022, members of the Lucas Group’s team headed off to Thriving Women. We got them to share their insight from the event.
Australian Agriculture Cracks $71 Billion in Annual Value

Favourable growing conditions and strong commodity prices helped Australian agriculture to a new record of more than $71 billion in farm gate value in 2020-21.
Biosecurity Beefed Up Against Foot and Mouth Disease

New biosecurity measures protecting Australia against FMD have been introduced, while the livestock industry holds its breath.
Biosecurity Breach: Australian Bee Industry Shut Down by Varroa Mite Outbreak

Australia’s first known Varroa Mite outbreak is causing devastation across the nation’s bee industry, with 18 million honeybees already exterminated.
Agflation: Production Cost Rises Squeezing UK Farmers

Agflation is hitting British farmers with staggering production cost rises across inputs, leaving many switching focus to fodder crops.
Backlash from Kiwi Farmers Amid Proposed Carbon Tax on Livestock

Farmers on both sides of the ditch have rejected the proposed livestock emissions levy currently being considered for New Zealand’s agriculture sector.