Australia Braces for El Niño Phenomenon

After months of anticipation, The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) has declared El Niño for this summer.
Coles in a Dairy Fix: Farmers Churn Up Opposition to Milk Factories’ Sale

Australian Dairy Farmers (ADF) is calling on the ACCC to block the sale of two milk factories to supermarket giant Coles.
Labor Introduces Sweeping Closing Loopholes Reforms

The government has introduced its closing loopholes industrial relations bill, but what changes will this mean for employers?
Criminalising wage theft, civil penalties and sham contracting

Aus Government to introduce a criminal offence for intentional underpayment of employees’ wages.
Closing Loopholes for Small Business

Fair Work changes aim to provide a range of measures that apply to businesses of all sizes. However, the amendments will apply differently to small businesses.
Closing the Labour Hire Loophole Introduced to Parliament

The Australian government has made moves intended to “close labour hire loophole”, preventing 67,000 workers being ‘ripped off’ by employers.
A Day in the Life of an Agricultural Recruiter

f you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to be an agricultural recruiter, today is your lucky day.