
Exotic Pest Fall Armyworm Threatens Australian Summer Crops

Farmers in Queensland, New South Wales, the Northern Territory and Western Australia are being warned to monitor crops as the fall armyworm has been spotted in new locations across the continent. Fall armyworm – an exotic pest with a ravenous appetite for many species of summer crops and pastures – was first identified on Australian […]

Recruiting Staff in a Candidate-Short Market

If you’ve tried to hire staff recently, you might have experienced the symptoms of a candidate-short market – applications trickle in slowly at a glacial pace from poor quality candidates, leaving you feeling less than inspired about finding the right person for your team. In this blog post, we’ll talk about the factors influencing the […]

Better Uptake of Digital Technologies Could Boost Australian Farm Outputs by $20 Billion

Widespread uptake of digital technologies across Australian farms could lead to an increase in industry revenue of $20 billion per year, according to the Chair of the National Farmers’ Federation, Tony Mahar. Mr Mahar’s comment was in response to an announcement by Agriculture Minister David Littleproud who outlined a new agricultural innovation agenda earlier this […]

Sale-and-Leaseback Model Critical for the Growth of Australian Agriculture

The sale and leaseback of Australian agricultural land will be a critical component for the growth of Australian agriculture over the coming decades, according to a recent report by Colliers International. The report includes data on the sale of Australian agricultural land over the last two years, investigating the increasing trend of investors purchasing agricultural […]

Quad Bike Sales Surge in the Lead Up to Manufacturer Withdrawal from Australia

Retailers are reporting a surge in sales as consumers ‘panic buy’ new quad bikes, as four manufacturers have indicated they will be withdrawing from the Australian market next year. It is believed that Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki and Kawasaki will no longer offer quad bikes for sale in Australia from October 2021 after the Government announced […]

Drawing a Line in the Wine: China Launches Anti-Dumping Probe into Australian Wine

The Australian wine grape industry is the latest agricultural sector to be in the firing line after the Chinese government announced a new anti-dumping investigation. The news comes after China imposed a prohibitive tariff on Australian barley in May this year while concurrently suspending imports of meat from four abattoirs. The move is seen as […]

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