
The Only Way is Up: Stacked, Soil-Free Farming Provides Food for Thought

While rooftop dining has become a popular past time in many cities around the world, the use of roof space has also gained popularity among urban farmers. In Paris, one grower has blended aeroponics with vertical farming on city rooftops to understand the potential to produce food for urban communities. Like hydroponic farming, aeroponics is […]

Wool Industry Revisits On Shore Processing as COVID-19 Highlights Reliance on China

Players in the domestic wool industry have renewed calls for the government to support the rebuilding of the Australian wool processing sector. As current supply chains are affected by COVID-19 disruptions, wool growers are becoming increasingly concerned that a reliance on Asian processors poses a risk to the sector. As well as consumers having an […]

New Zealand Farmer Smashes His Own Wheat Yield World Record

Eric Watson, a farmer from Ashburton on New Zealand’s South Island, has set a new Guinness World Record for his wheat crop which yielded 17.4 tonnes per hectare. Mr Watson held the title for his 2017 crop which yielded at 16.8 tonnes per hectare until he harvested his most recent crop in February this year. […]

Government Slashes the Cost of Agriculture Degrees

The Federal Government has slashed the price of agriculture degrees, wiping 62 per cent off fees from 2021. Agriculture degrees will move to the band one tier of courses, which attract an annual fee of $3,700. Other band one courses include teaching, clinical psychology, English, maths, nursing and languages. The move to reduce fees reflects […]

Northern Australian Seafood Industry to Explode over the Next Decade

The Northern Australian aquaculture industry has the capacity to grow five-fold over the next ten years, exceeding an annual turnover of $1.34 billion. That’s according to a report released in May this year by the Cooperative Research Centre for Developing Northern Australia (CRCNA). The document outlines the potential for the creation of 2,340 jobs across […]

Smart Farts: How One Farmer’s Quest for Carbon Neutrality is Burping Dividends

For Queensland pig farmer Laurie Brosnan, improving the carbon footprint of his farm has not only alleviated a significant waste issue, but has reduced his electricity bill by $600,000 per year. Mr Brosnan installed an on-site biogas plant that turns pig effluent and cattle paunch into methane, which is then used to power the farm. […]

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