
ACCC focuses on Landmark’s Acquisition of RuralCo

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has released a Statement of Issues regarding the proposed sale of RuralCo to Nutrien, citing a potential rise in prices for Australian farmers. Nutrien, the Canadian-based parent company of Landmark, entered into a Scheme Implementation Deed in February this year, agreeing to buy all shares in RuralCo for […]

Marbellous: Grower Innovates Wagyu Sheep Using Waste Food

A pair of Western Australian farmers have developed an innovative new system to produce wagyu-like qualities in sheep meat, providing the market with an exciting new protein product. Deon Moss and Suzannah Moss-Wight have spent the past three years refining their approach, which diverts food destined for landfill into a sheep feed capable of producing […]

Now 40% Bigger! US Scientists Crack the Code for Bigger Crops

A group of US scientists has successfully trialled a new variety of tobacco plants that grow up to 40% larger than normal. The trial used tobacco plants that were genetically engineered to improve the capacity of photosynthesis, the process in which a plant turns sunlight, carbon dioxide and sugars into a fuel source. Naturally, photosynthesis […]

Hands Off: Technology Offers Hope in the Age Old Battle of Agricultural Theft

Scottish farmers have turned to technology to help in the fight against stock theft which costs the local industry upwards of $360,000 per year. A new type of paint which is specifically coded to an individual farm, is now available for farmers to apply to the fleece and skin of sheep, allowing them to be […]

Australian Almond Industry Celebrates Bumper Crop and Encouraging Demand

The same hot and dry conditions plaguing many Australian commodities have resulted in a bumper crop for the country’s Almond growers. Australia’s almond yield is expected to exceed 100,000 tonnes for the first time, coinciding with favourable trade conditions and strong demand from export partners.  China has responded to Trumps trade war by imposing 50% […]

A Sundrop in the Ocean: World-First Tomato Farm Sold to NZ Asset Manager

Adelaide-based Sundrop Farms has been sold to the New Zealand investment firm Morrison & Co for an undisclosed amount, after a year long negotiation process. Sundrop’s Port Augusta facility represented a global first – a purpose built greenhouse powered by solar energy and using desalinated seawater to grow up to 17,000 tonnes of Truss tomatoes […]

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